Sharing Data using SafeArgs in Android-Kotlin

Manpreet Mall
8 min readMar 9, 2022


Data sharing in Android involves passing arguments between fragments in navigation action. This not only enhances communication between the destinations involved but also establishes a continuous flow of the application.


In the past few years, Android developers have made use of the Android Bundle class which was one of the techniques of sharing data across activities.

This came with a bunch of cons among which is the tedious work the developer had to do, the unreliability due to the manual approach, and lack of type safety that could easily crash the application.

The Navigation components API, (part of Jetpack libraries) is a MAD (Modern Android Development) approach that solves these problems by introducing SafeArgs - a plugin that allows you to pass data in a more efficient, safe, and encapsulated way.


To follow through this tutorial, you need to be familiar with:

  • Basic usage of Android studio.
  • Kotlin programming.
  • Imperative paradigm concepts in Android development.
  • View binding and/or data binding.

Create an Android project

Fire up Android Studio and create an Empty Activity project with the following configurations.

Double-check to make sure that the package name is as shown. Otherwise you’ll have to configure your project to make it compatible with the code used in this tutorial.

Enable viewBinding

View binding allows us to access views in the XML file via the respective binding class and the view’s id. Open the app-level build.gradle file and paste the following inside the android scope and sync the project.

android {
viewBinding true

You can learn more about view binding here.

Create two Fragments

Moving on, we need at least two fragments that we’ll use to pass arguments across when navigating. Right-click on the project’s main package directory and create two empty fragments namely FragmentA and FragmentB.

Let’s nickname them A and B to keep things simple. The two should have their corresponding XML files namely fragment_a.xml and fragment_b.xml respectively.

Starter code setup

The following is the initial code that we’ll build on.

i). FragmentA.kt

class FragmentA: Fragment() {
private var binding : FragmentABinding? = null
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
binding = FragmentABinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
return binding.apply {
// We'll write the rest logic here }?.root

Here, we’ve inflated the fragment using view binding.

ii). fragment_a.xml

android:text="Share data"
app:layout_constraintVertical_bias="0.9" />

This serves as the UI for FragmentA. The above code creates a button that will later be used to trigger a navigation action when clicked.

iii). FragmentB.kt

class FragmentB : Fragment() {
private var binding: FragmentBBinding? = null
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
binding = FragmentBBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
return binding.apply {
// We'll update the UI after receiving the arguments here }?.root

This serves a similar purpose as that of FragmentA.

iv). fragment_b.mxl

tools:text="Argument text" />

The above textView will be used to display data after a successful arrival discussed in the latter part of the tutorial 😎.

Creating the navigation graph

A navigation graph popularly known as nav-graph controls and visualizes how we maneuver between the fragments. To create a nav-graph, switch to Resource Management on the left side panel and select navigation.

Click the + button and create a new graph named my_nav. This will prompt you to automatically add the respective dependencies.

Click OK and you’ll be good to go.

Alternatively, you can manually add the following dependencies in the app-level build.gradle file.

implementation 'androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:2.3.5'
implementation 'androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:2.3.5'

Add destinations in the Nav-graph

Destinations are the screens or rather fragments included in a particular navigation graph. Go ahead and paste the following code in the my_nav.xml file we just created.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<navigation xmlns:android=""
android:label="Fragment A"
app:destination="@id/fragmentB" />
android:label="Fragment B"
tools:layout="@layout/fragment_b" />

This adds two destinations, sets fragmentA as the initial fragment, and creates a navigation action from A to B.

Create the host for our Navigation graph

Now that we’ve created a graph, it’s time to set the activity that will serve as the parent and the entry point for our app. This involves adding a nav host fragment in the activity’s XML file as shown below.


app:navGraph="@navigation/my_nav" />

NOTE: Android Studio will complain and suggest that you should use a FragmentContainerView instead of a fragment tag. I found out that addressing the warning results in weird unexpected crashes discussed in this Google issue tracker.


This inflates the UI with nav-graph and updates the toolbar with respect to the current destination.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private var binding: ActivityMainBinding? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
// Update action bar with the nav controller
override fun onSupportNavigateUp(): Boolean {
val navController = findNavController(
return navController.navigateUp() || super.onSupportNavigateUp()

Set up SafeArgs

Now we’re ready to take a flight with safe args, but before then, let’s first pack our bags.

This involves loading the required dependencies and plugins. Add the following classpath in the project-level build.gradle file.

dependencies {
// build configurations that will be applied to all the modules in the project. classpath "androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:2.3.5"

In your module-level build.gradle file, add the following plugin.

plugins {
// safe args plugin
id 'androidx.navigation.safeargs'

Check if you have Java-8 support enabled as most Gradle plugins (including safe-args) require JDK 8.

android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '1.8'

It is recommended to fully rebuild and clean your project after syncing to make sure that navigation component tools are generated.

What argument types does SafeArgs support?

The data attached to a navigation operation is referred to as an argument. Arguments can take different types but not all types are supported by SafeArgs.

The following is a list of supported data types.

Predefined types:

  • Boolean
  • String
  • Integer
  • Float
  • Long

Custom types:

  • Custom Parcelable
  • Custom Serializable
  • Custom Enum
  • Resource Reference

How can you define an argument?

To add an argument to a nav-action, select the destination fragment in the navigation graph preview and click + on the attributes panel. A dialog will pop up as shown below.

This can be used to define attributes such as name, type, nullability, and the default value where applicable. In the example above, we’ve created myAge which is an Integer whose default value is 1.

By clicking Add, the following tag is auto-added.

<!-- inside fragment B tag -->
android:defaultValue="1" />

Passing values to the argument

Think of a scenario where you need to order a pizza to be delivered to you. You’ll have to place an order before delivery. Similarly, when we want to pass data from A to B, B must first need the data, that is, there must be an argument in B and a path connecting A to B. This path is the navigation action that we’ve already created.

Moving on, declare an action variable and assign 19 to it for example. Remember the value must align with the type of the argument. In this case, we can only pass integers, otherwise, a type mismatch exception will be thrown.

Paste the following in the onCreate() method in FragmentA.kt file.

// trigger an action when the button is clicked
binding?.btnShareData?.setOnClickListener {
val action = FragmentADirections.actionFragmentAToFragmentB().setMyAge(20)
// navigate to FragmentB

Receive the argument at the destination

Now, our pizza delivery is in progress. We need to prepare to receive it upon arrival.

Head to FragmentB.kt and update the code to:

class FragmentB : Fragment() {
private var binding: FragmentBBinding? = null
private val args: FragmentBArgs by navArgs<FragmentBArgs>()
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
binding = FragmentBBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
return binding.apply {
val age = args.myAge.toString()
binding?.textView?.text = "My age is: $age"

Here we’ve declared a variable args that takes the argument(s) associated with FragmentB. We’ve also set the value of the textView to the value contained in args.

Similarly, we can share other data types as well.

Sharing custom arguments

Other than predefined data types, SafeArgs allows us to pass objects of our desired type. To demonstrate this, we’re going to pass a person object using a custom Parcelable argument.

This way we can share different data types under the hood of one type. Add the following plugin to add Parcelize to your project.

plugins {
id 'kotlin-parcelize'

This plugin provides a Parcelable implementation generator that automatically generates parcels for classes annotated with @Parcelize annotation. Such classes must extend Parcelable which is an Android specific interface where we serialize objects ourselves.

Create a data class Person that implements the above information.

import android.os.Parcelable
import kotlinx.parcelize.Parcelize
data class Person(
val name: String,
val age: Int
): Parcelable

An object of the class above will have two attributes, name and age.

Creating a custom object Argument

A parcelable argument is created the same way as predefined types only that we select the Parcelable class as its type.

Alternatively, we can add the argument tag below.

<!--Inside fragmentB tag (you can opt to replace the previous one)-->
app:argType="com.demo.safeargs.Person" />

Modify share action in FragmentA.kt

First, we need to instantiate the Person class then pass it in the action’s parameter.

binding?.btnShareData?.setOnClickListener {
// create a person object
val person = Person("Eric", 19)
val action = FragmentADirections.actionFragmentAToFragmentB(person)

Receive the parcel in FragmentB.kt

Similar to what we did before, we’ll receive and display the value of the argument in a textView.

return binding.apply {
val personParcel = args.person
binding?.textView?.text = "My Name is: ${}\nI\'m ${personParcel.age} years old."


In this tutorial, we’ve learned how SafeArgs can be used to pass or share data across destinations. Note that it is not recommended to pass large amounts of data since argument size is limited in Android.

